Zaklínač Wiki
Sabrina Glevissig

Sabrina Glevissig is a sorceress from Kaedwen, and one of the advisors of king Henselt. She is a member of the Lodge of Sorceresses. She often wears provocative outfits to underline her beauty. She is related to Jade Glevissig.

She and Yennefer seem to be rivals of a sort. They both feign friendship with each other and claim to be the younger of the pair, taking offense to being called former classmates.

V ceně neutrality

Sabrina appears in this premium module for Zaklínač, originally released without voices in April, then re-released as part of the Enhanced Edition in a fully voiced version in September 2008

Based in the surroundings of the Kaer Morhen stronghold, "Cena neutrality" finds Geralt coming back to základna Zaklínači of operations for the winter. Coming across a small camp near the stronghold, Geralt meets a nobleman and Sabrina Glevissig, who are trying to find a young woman staying in the stronghold.

Born under the Černého slunce and prophesised to ruin the world, Deidre is Eskel's dítě překvapení and the sister of the nobleman who wants to make sure she will not have the crown. Sabrina wants to kill her as well to examine her body and discover the truth about Černého slunce - being Zaklínač, Geralt has to choose who he sides with.

Sabrina stays in her very luxuriously appointed tent in the camp across the ford from the keep. She uses a particularly impressive illusion to bring her interior decor up to her standards. This decor also includes "kluk", actually a young man, presumably conjured to help her while away the lonelier times as she waits for Deidre to be delivered to her. She also dabbles in sales.

Sabrina buys and sells:

and she will buy Vlčí kůže, Baziliščí kůže, knihy a většina přísady.


  • Když vlci vyjí na měsíc
  • Vlčice

Zápisy do Deníku

Sabrina Glevissig je jednou z nejmocnějších a nevlivnějších čarodějek v Severních královstvích. Žije v kaedwenském hlavním městě Ard Carraigh a působí jako rádkyně krále Henselta. Tato čarodějka se občas chová velmi neobřadně a své soudy pronáší rychleji, než je zdrávo. Proto ji někteří nazývají "skutečnou dcerou kaedwenské divočiny". Toto zdání podtrhuje i jistá dravost a divoká krása, kterou Sabrina ještě zdůrazňuje poněkud provokativním odíváním.

Sabrina dorazila do Kaer Morhen, když pronásledovala Deidre Ademeyn. Má podezření, že tato dívka je mutantkou ovlivněnou prokletím černého slunce, které ji přetvořilo v nebezpečné monstrum, hrozbu pro celou lidskou rasu. Aby však tuto teorii prokázala, musí princeznu nejprve zajmout a podrobit podrobnějšímu zkoumání.

Sabrina can reliably be found enjoying the comforts of her tent v tábor. While splendid on the exterior, even for a tent, this is nothing in comparison to the interior which is helped along decor-wise by an elaborate illusion, complete with (innocent?) young male companion.


Inconsistencies with the books

"The Price of Neutrality" takes place before the Witcher Saga, even though in the books Geralt first met Sabrina on the Thanedd Island, in Times of Contempt.
