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Geraltova odpověď

"A letter to Shani enclosed in a small envelope." nebo "V malé obálce se nachází dopis pro Triss."

Depending on Geralt's choice of guardian for Alvin in Act III, he either receives a letter from Shani or from Triss. He must then reply, but as with many instances in the plot of the game, Geralt has choices in the reply he dictates to Dandelion, and of course, the bard is as faithful as ever to the original text.

Later, there is the matter of getting the missive to its intended recipient. As it happens, the Fisher King also seems to be the local postmaster.


This letter, and in particular the "cool" versions, is a reference to a letter sent by Geralt to Yennefer asking her for help in teaching Ciri in Blood of Elves. Needless to say, Yennefer is less than impressed with his choice of words and her reply while being painfully polite on the surface, is very cutting in its sarcasm.

Letter to Shani

warm versions

Shani Beloved Shani!

I am happy to say that I found Alvin in a village nearby. The boy is all right, you do not have to worry - I will keep an eye on him.

[Note: this part of the text depends on Geralt's choice of content]
The village I have come to is nestled by a beautiful lake. The peple have welcomed me warmly, though there is a lot of work for a witcher here. Regardless, I have found a kind of inner peace here which I have not felt for a long time. [nebo] I know you care little for politics, but I would like you to do something. I want you to warn King Foltest about Adda. The princess is plotting with Salamandra - the king's enemy - which is why I cannot return to Vizima.
[either way]

I miss you dearly, my read-haired sweetheart. I miss your smile, I miss you being close to me. I hope that we well be together again soon and that all will be well.


cool versions

My Friend!

I am happy to inform you that I found Alvin in a village nearby. The boy is all right, you do not have to worry - I will keep an eye on him.

[Note: this part of the text depends on Geralt's choice of content]
I know you care little for politics, but I would like you to do something. I want you to warn King Foltest about Adda. The princess is plotting with Salamandra - the king's enemy - which is why I cannot return to Vizima. [nebo] The village I have come to is nestled by a beautiful lake. The peple have welcomed me warmly, though there is a lot of work for a witcher here. Regardless, I have found a kind of inner peace here which I have not felt for a long time.
[either way]

Thank you for your kind letter. I hope that when I return to Vizima we will still be friends - that would mean a lot to me.



Dopis pro Triss

warm versions

Triss Milovaná Triss!

Díky Tvé prozíravosti se mi podarilo najít Alvina, amulet mi Marigold predal. Neboj se, s chlapcem bude vše v porádku, dám na nej pozor.

[Note: this part of the text depends on Geralt's choice of content]
Chápu, že se budu muset nejakou dobu držet mimo Wyzimu. Tady v Bahnicích plyne cas jiným tempem. Je tady krásne: vlnící se lány zlatého obilí, krystalicky cisté jezero a tak štastní lidé. [or] Doufám, že se Ti podarilo nejak vyvléct z aféry, do které jsem Te zatáhnul, za což se Ti omlouvám. Myslím, že by sis mela promluvit s Foltestem a osvetlit mu pocínání jeho sladké dcerky.
[either way]

Triss, já na Tebe také myslím a stýská se mi po chvílích, které jsme trávili spolu. Nevím, jestli z toho neco bude, ale proc se tím ted trápit, hlavne že máme jeden druhého. Doufám, že už Te brzy uvidím.


cool versions

My Friend!

I have found Alvin, thanks in no small part to your insight. Also, I received the amulet from Dandelion. Do not worry, the boy will be all right, I will take care of him.

[Note: this part of the text depends on Geralt's choice of content]
I understand that I have to spend some time away from Vizima. Here in Murky Waters the time seems to pass according to its own rhythm. It is a very beautiful place - with grain fields swaying in the wind and a crystal clear lake. The people here are also very pleasant. [or] I hope you were able to somehow overcome the difficult situation that I put you in - I am very sorry. I think you should talk to Foltest and tell him of his sweet daughter's deeds.
[either way]

Your letter made me very happy. Thank you for your kind words. I am truly content that I may call you my friend, it means a lot to me. Take care and keep your chin up!

