Zaklínač Wiki
elven sorceress Toruviel, the leader one of the elves

Jeskyně on the Bahnice near Víska Bahnice has become the refuge of a band of wounded and starving elfové. They are led by Toruviel and have a relationship with the villagers that could at best be described as uneasy. They spend their days fishing or trying to heal their own sick and wounded.

Důležité Elfové z Bahnic

  • Toruviel, the leader of the band and old acquaintance of Geralt's
  • Chireadan, a sharper at dice poker and an old friend of Geralt's
  • Elven craftsman, a gifted if somewhat aloof artisan


Zápisy do Deníku

"Elfové jsou pyšný národ s ohnivým temperamentem, ale nedokáží se postarat sami o sebe. Mají štěstí, že jim občas někdo donese něco k jídlu."


  • To initiate the sexual encounter, Geralt must give food of some kind to the sorceress in the Jeskyně elfů after completing the Denní chleba quest. She's quite combative in her attitude, but apparently that excites her too. I have found that wyverní maso or ryba works very nicely and is abundant in Kapitola IV.
  • The rest of the elves (male) grudgingly accept wyverní maso as well, but not vykuchaná ryba and give knowledge of Zimolez, Bryonie, Vlákno han, and Kořen mandragory.
  • One "Elf" in particular stands guard outside the cave all day and night. Toruviel, Chireadan, the Elven craftsman, and some other Elves come out to the shore during the day and return to the cave at night.
  • It is possible to lure wyvern and vlci to the cave entrance. Any elves in the area will fight these creatures. As Toruviel is essential to later primary quests, she can be wounded and knocked down but never killed. However, wyverns can easily kill all the other elves outside the cave, and none of them will respawn. Because Chireadan and the Elven craftsman are helpful, if not necessary, for other quests, take care to defend them against any foes you lure to their cave's entrance.
  • If you do let a wyvern kill them, the elves' remains will contain the following:

Skupina uprchlíků
