Zaklínač Wiki
Druids' Grove in daylight

Druidský hájek, is located in the Bažiny, north of the Lesní mýtina and west of the Pohřebiště golemů and the Mágova věž. It is home to a colony of druidové, who appear to be led by an Starší druid, at least initially. Later this role seems to have been taken over by the Hierofant. There is also a dryad, Morenn, staying there at the moment and Yaevinn often stops by to clear his head.

The druids are caring individuals and have no wish to see anyone or anything suffer. A nice side benefit of this philosophy is that anyone in the grove receives free healing.

Like in many groves of the druids, a huge oak shadows also this place; the druids meditate and pray under its branches.


Zápisy do Deníku

"Blata jsou místo, kde musí člověk sklonit hlavou před bujnou a divokou přírodou. Právě proto se zde usadili také druidi, kteří tu založili posvátný háj se stromem života ve středu. Svatí mužové v háji nepovolí žádné nepravosti, starají se o nemocná zvířata a dokonce hostí i dryádu."

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